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h e r e

It's about the relationship, the interaction, the creation formed between the shaper and the surfer


It's the expression of one's inner person that spreads love and deepens the connection



The closer you are to that moment and the more you are involved with that creation,


the more love and joy are experienced and shared

After having some incredible experiences surfing my own handshaped boards, I wanted to share these experiences with others.  I am inspired by the lines you can draw on the waves across California, the styles you can access, the sensations you can stumble upon, and the passion which the local surfers and shapers share.  I am moved with this passion, helping surfers access those subtle eurekas.  For me, it's about the relationship, the interaction, the creation formed between the shaper and the surfer.  It's the expression of one's inner person that spreads love and deepens the connection.  The closer you are to that moment and the more you are involved with that creation, the more love and joy are experienced and shared​


A custom surfboard is built for YOU. 

  -How tall are you?

  -How much do you weigh?

  -Where do you surf?

  -What is your surfing level?

  -Where do you want to go with your surfing?

  -What is currently lacking in your surfing life?

This is where the conversation starts and it gives us a path to follow, discovering the best board to meet your needs.

What do you get out of this?

A board fit to you and your surf conditions.  A board that grows with you, showing you new ways to connect to yourself and your surroundings.  A board that brings you closer to the ocean and the power transmitted through the wave. 

And a board that is an aesthetically pleasing work of art.

The "designs" tab above takes you to all the shapes that the custom board will be based off.

custom surfboard pricing:

5' to 6' -- $1025

6' to 7' -- $1125

7' to 8' -- $1175

8' to 9' -- $1275

9' to 10' -- $1350

10' to 11' -- $1475

Remaining due upon completion

why do surfers choose JIVE?

Seiji, California and Japan, LIFTER

“Lifter is the ultimate magic board. I’ve had the chance to try demo boards from the 6’5”, 6’10”, and 7’4” ‘Lifter’ series, and all of them performed impressively well, leaving me amazed. Especially the 6’10” model, with its astonishing acceleration, smooth flow on the wave’s highline, and remarkable turn performance, all perfectly balanced. It evoked a magical sensation unlike anything I’ve experienced before. I’ve promptly ordered my own board in 7’ and bought stock 6’9". Lifter is a must-try for anyone seeking to explore a new dimension in surfing.”

why do surfers THRIVE with their JIVE?

Trevor, Pacifica CA, FUN ZONE

Well I’m a bigger guy (6’3 200lbs) so definitely the size and speed of the board. I love how fast it paddles and handles. When I’m up it’s still a light enough board for me to turn and completely control. I really enjoy the tri-plane hull too. The thin nose and tail makes it easy to duck dive too if necessary!

custom board deposit

This puts you in the pipeline immediately!!

This is the deposit for a JIVE custom surfboard.   Once this purchase is complete, we'll continue the conversation about dimensions, design, where you'll be surfing, and what you want to achieve with your surfing.

Every board has the highest quality glassing available, and every board includes a sanded gloss finish.  

Artwork on the board is included, too!

Thanks!  Looking forward to our chat.

JIVE shaper Jacob Ells

Truly, I am here to help expand your surfing.

Let's start the conversation about your surfing needs.

Put down your info so I can contact you.

Sign up to receive the newsletter! 

Surf session report, design projects, and day in the life type stuff! 

Exclusive offers available, too.

Thanks for submitting!

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